azure api management security best practices

Detection mode: Monitors and logs all threat alerts. If your organization is not using database-level encryption, you may be more susceptible to attacks. APIs handle an immense amount of data, which is why it’s imperative to invest in API security. A valid JSON web token (JWT) is required. You must make sure that the WAF log is selected and turned on. Did you know you can generate a full-featured, documented, and secure REST API in minutes using DreamFactory? How to create queries with Azure Resource Graph. Guidance: Configure API Management within a Virtual Network (Vnet) in internal mode and configure an Azure Application Gateway. Although classic Azure resources may be discovered via Resource Graph, it is highly recommended to create and use Azure Resource Manager resources going forward. Alternatively, the sign-in/sign-up process can be further customized through delegation. Application Gateway is a PaaS service. Application Gateway is a PaaS service. Update: Downloadable/printable copies of the Microsoft 365 Best practices checklists and guides are now available for purchase at GumRoad.Thanks for your support! External: the API Management gateway and developer portal are accessible from the public internet via an external load balancer. The developer portal and API Management gateway, can be configured to be accessible either from the Internet (External) or only within the Vnet (Internal). Guidance: Not applicable; Azure API Management does not process or produce anti-malware related logs. Guidance: Use Azure Active Directory (AD) Privileged Identity Management (PIM) for generation of logs and alerts when suspicious or unsafe activity occurs in the environment. If it is at 100 percent, you are following best practices. Kibana provides flexible reporting on all API calls with pre-configured dashboards segmented by instance, application, role, user, API endpoint, and more. In internal mode, configure an Azure Application Gateway in front of API Management. Guidance: To manage traffic flowing to Web/HTTP APIs deploy API Management to a Virtual Network (Vnet) associated with App Service Environment in external or internal mode. Digital Transformation: What Does It Mean for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses? The best practices are intended to be a resource for IT pros. Securing APIs is difficult and time consuming. Use Azure policy [deny] and [deploy if not exist] to enforce secure settings across your Azure resources. How to set log retention parameters for Log Analytics Workspaces, How to archive logs to an Azure Storage account. Web application firewall doesn't block incoming requests when it's operating in Detection mode. This can act as a considerable bottleneck, especially if a client application is frequently sending requests or receiving data. Microsoft Azure also allows the security groups to be managed at the application-level, further simplifying management by abstracting the IP address(es) from an application. Guidance: Use Azure Activity Log to monitor network resource configurations and detect changes to network resources associated with your Azure API Management deployments. Identify weak points and gaps and revise plan as needed. Spending $1 billion per year to protect their customers’ data, there’s a reason why 95% of Fortune 500 companies trust their business on Azure. Guidance: Enable Azure Active Directory (AD) Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and follow Azure Security Center Identity and Access Management recommendations. In addition, you may onboard the Log Analytics workspace to Azure Sentinel or a third-party SIEM. How to monitor identity and access within Azure Security Center. Authorisation Key. Additionally, to help you keep track of dedicated administrative accounts, you may use recommendations from Azure Security Center or built-in Azure Policies, such as: How to use Azure Security Center to monitor identity and access (Preview). A good practice is to enforce an arrest in spike traffic or a per-app usage quota, so that the backend won’t be impacted. The American government’s annual budget is approximately $15 billion regarding cybersecurity, businesses and users must take proactive action, implementing and practicing security best practices. Additionally, API Management contains a built-in Administrators group in the API Management's user system. Use Azure Policy aliases in the "Microsoft.ApiManagement" namespace to create custom policies to audit or enforce the configuration of Azure API Management instances. The baseline for this service is drawn from the Azure Security Benchmark version 1.0, which provides recommendations on how you can secure your cloud solutions on Azure with our best practices guidance. Guidance: Security incident contact information will be used by Microsoft to contact you if the Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) discovers that your data has been accessed by an unlawful or unauthorized party. You may also send NSG flow logs to a Log Analytics workspace and use Traffic Analytics to provide insights into traffic flow in your Azure cloud. API Management access restriction policies, How to integrate Azure AD Logs into Azure Monitor. It acts as a reverse-proxy and provides L7 load balancing, routing, web application firewall (WAF), and other services. Verbosity of the logging can be configured on a service-wide and per-API basis. In API Management, developers are the consumers of the APIs that exposed with API Management. Microsoft manages the address prefixes encompassed by the service tag and automatically updates the service tag as addresses change. However, it’s important to be mindful of authorized users when practicing best practices. This can be done by enabling Data Discovery and Classification, which will allow you to actively monitor data or access download reports. How to use Azure API Management with virtual networks, Using Azure API Management service with an internal virtual network, Integrate API Management in an internal VNET with Application Gateway, Azure Security Center monitoring: Currently not available. Understand how to streamline this process with the support of DreamFactory. Guidance: Sensitive data such as certificates, keys, and secret named values are encrypted with service-managed, per service instance keys. Groups in API Management control visibility of APIs in the developer portal and the members of the Administrators group can see all APIs. by Susanna Bouse Guidance: Implement Credential Scanner to identify credentials within code. Use Azure Policy aliases in the "Microsoft.ApiManagement" namespace to create custom policies to audit or enforce the configuration of Azure API Management instances. This might include designers, architects, developers, and testers who build and deploy secure Azure solutions. How to monitor and review logs for Azure API Management, How to perform custom queries in Azure Monitor. Azure is a prime example of a beneficial cloud computing service, particularly in terms of unified API management, storage, and disaster recovery. Guidance: Create standard operating procedures around the use of dedicated administrative accounts. With that being said, extra precautions and Azure security best practices need to be considered in order to maximize security efforts. Secure Score within Azure Security Center is a numeric view of your security posture. Azure Active Directory (AD) has built-in roles that must be explicitly assigned and are queryable. Azure API Management relies on Azure role-based access control (Azure RBAC) to enable fine-grained access management for API Management services and entities (for example, APIs and policies). Last Updated: March 2014 Director, Product Management, WSO2 Isabelle Mauny Best Prac1ces for API Management Thursday, March 27, 14 2. It acts as a reverse-proxy and provides L7 load balancing, routing, web application firewall (WAF), and other services. In addition, use Azure policy to put restrictions on the type of resources that can be created in customer subscription(s) using the following built-in policy definitions: Guidance: Use Azure Policy to put restrictions on the type of resources that can be created in your subscription(s) using the following built-in policy definitions: Use Azure Resource Graph to query/discover resources within their subscription(s). This article highlights why API governance is important and covers a few API governance best practices. How to enable Diagnostic Settings for Azure Activity Log, How to enable Diagnostic Settings for Azure API Management. DreamFactory can be deployed on premise behind the firewall, in a DreamFactory-hosted environment or on a self-hosted cloud. Activity logs provide insights into the operations that were performed on your Azure resources. For more information, see Security control: Malware defense. Enable Soft-Delete in Key Vault to protect keys against accidental or malicious deletion. The severity is based on how confident Security Center is in the finding or the analytic used to issue the alert as well as the confidence level that there was malicious intent behind the activity that led to the alert. Guidance: Not applicable; this recommendation is intended for compute resources. Use Azure Policy aliases in the "Microsoft.ApiManagement" namespace to create custom policies to audit or enforce the configuration of your Azure API Management services. This will flag up with your security testing tools. Azure API Management is a great product that we often use on customer solutions. IT security know-how Written by Sophos experts Useful tips and advice. Guidance: Not currently available; data identification, classification, and loss prevention features are not currently available for Azure API Management. Guidance: Use role-based access control for controlling access to Azure API Management. Inbound and outbound traffic into the subnet in which API Management is deployed can be controlled using Network Security Group. Azure API Management instances should be separated by virtual network (VNet)/subnet and tagged appropriately. How to configure Azure DDoS Protection Standard, Understand Azure Security Center Integrated Threat Intelligence. Guidance: Not currently available; data identification, classification, and loss prevention features are not currently available for Azure API Management. Turn on HTTPS only on Azure Functions By default the Azure Functions are callable over both HTTP and HTTPS. API Management relies on these roles and Role-Based Access Control to enable fine-grained access management for API Management services and entities. However, that should not deter businesses from optimizing everyday operations, especially in regard to their cloud workloads. Developer accounts that are in an active state can be used to access all of the APIs for which they have subscriptions. How to use Role-Based Access Control in Azure API Management, How to get list of users under an Azure API Management Instance, How to get a list of users assigned to a directory role in Azure AD with PowerShell, How to get a directory role definition in Azure AD with PowerShell, Understand identity and access recommendations from Azure Security Center. To ensure customer data within Azure remains secure, Microsoft has implemented and maintains a suite of robust data protection controls and capabilities. Best Practices for API Management 1. Distributed API Management: What You Need to Know. Use separate accounts to authenticate unique users and applications. Perform queries in Log Analytics to search terms, identify trends, analyze patterns, and provide many other insights based on the collected data. Azure security best practices Viktorija Almazova, IT Security Architect. How to deploy Privileged Identity Management (PIM). Guidance: If using custom Azure policy definitions, use Azure DevOps or Azure Repos to securely store and manage your Azure API Management service configuration. How to integrate API Management in an internal VNET with Application Gateway. For more information, see Security control: Data recovery. Guidance: Define and implement standard security configurations for your Azure API Management service with Azure Policy. DDoS Protection Standard should be enabled, There should be more than one owner assigned to your subscription, Deprecated accounts with owner permissions should be removed from your subscription, External accounts with owner permissions should be removed from your subscription. It enables your website to own the user data and perform the validation of these steps in a custom way. We will refer to the Azure Security Top 10 best practices as applicable for each: Best practices 1. Guidance: Use the Azure API Management DevOps Resource Kit to perform configuration management for Azure API Management. Whenever possible, use database IP firewall rules. Guidance: Define and implement standard security configurations for network settings related to your Azure API Management deployments. Seven best practices in securing AWS, Azure and GCP; It also explores how Sophos Cloud Optix enables organizations to address their security and visibility challenges. In addition, use Azure AD risk detections to view alerts and reports on risky user behavior. Guidance: Use Conditional Access Named Locations to allow access to the Azure portal from only specific logical groupings of IP address ranges or countries/regions. You may also send NSG flow logs to a Log Analytics workspace and use Traffic Analytics to provide insights into traffic flow in your Azure cloud. Internal: the API Management gateway and developer portal are accessible only from within the virtual network via an internal load balancer. With Azure Monitor and Log Analytics workspace(s), you can review, query, visualize, route, archive, configure alerts, and take actions on metrics and logs coming from API Management and related resources. You can turn on logging diagnostics for Application Gateway in the Diagnostics section. Use IP filtering on your back-end service. Use Azure policy [deny] and [deploy if not exist] to enforce secure settings across your Azure resources. If any of these ports are unavailable, API Management may not operate properly and may become inaccessible. This means that an Azure application may be used in a rule as a source or destination. Customer to review security controls available to them to reduce service configuration related vulnerabilities. Underlying platform scanned and patched by Microsoft. If you use Azure Key Vault to manage the custom domain SSL certificate, make sure the certificate is inserted into Key Vault as a certificate, not a secret. Custom and external groups can be used alongside system groups in giving developers visibility and access to API products. How to deploy API Management data plane to multiple regions, How to implement disaster recovery using service backup and restore in Azure API Management, How to call the API Management backup operation, How to call the API Management restore operation. Microsoft manages the underlying infrastructure for Azure API Management and has implemented strict controls to prevent the loss or exposure of customer data. Our guided tour will show you how to create an API using an example MySQL database provided to you as part of the trial! Syncing Git rep… Configure JWT validation policy to incoming API requests to help enforce the existence and validity of a valid token. Guidance on building your own security incident response process, Microsoft Security Response Center's Anatomy of an Incident, Leverage NIST's Computer Security Incident Handling Guide to aid in the creation of your own incident response plan. It is a best practice to use either service tags or application security groups to simplify management. That means there is no discussion of separating admin … Guidance: Whenever possible, use Azure AD as the central authentication and authorization system. How to create an NSG with a Security Config. This is key in terms of ongoing compliance. Microsoft Azure SQL Database utilizes these rules to limit connectivity by IP address, in addition to enforcing authentication and authorization measures. Application Gateway is a PaaS service. You may use the Azure Security Center data connector to stream the alerts to Azure Sentinel. Use Azure Secure Score in Azure Security Center as your guide. The attacker receives a "403 unauthorized access" exception, and the connection is closed. Data encryption helps to protect your data on disk while ensuring protection against unauthorized access to hardware. Create alerts within Azure Monitor that will trigger when changes to critical network resources take place. Guidance: Microsoft maintains time sources for Azure API Management. If we prefer to keep the solution pretty simple and use as many of the PaaS and Serverless type features on Azure as possible then we can make the following changes: 1. For more information, see Security control: Incident response. Once configured, new Developer Portal users can choose to follow the out-of-the-box sign-up process by first authenticating through Azure AD and then completing the sign-up process on the portal once authenticated. A secure API management platform is essential to providing the necessary data security for a company’s APIs. Vérifiez la disponibilité par région. Although the database will be encrypted, it is recommended that you follow these recommendations: In terms of threat detection, it’s up to you to discover and classify the most sensitive, critical data in your databases. Guidance: Use Managed Service Identity generated by Azure Active Directory (AD) to allow your API Management instance to easily and securely access other Azure AD-protected resources, such as Azure Key Vault. For more information, see Security control: Penetration tests and red team exercises. Guidance: Not applicable; this recommendation is intended for non-compute resources designed to store data. Microsoft anti-malware is enabled on the underlying host that supports Azure services (for example, Azure API Management), however it does not run on customer content. Follow Azure Storage security recommendations to protect your backup. Below I have listed some security options you may choose to implement: 1. Customers may regenerate these subscription keys at any time. Guidance: Use privileged access workstations (PAW) with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) configured to log into and configure Azure resources. Azure AD protects data by using strong encryption for data at rest and in transit. For data plane audit logging, diagnostic logs provide rich information about operations and errors that are important for auditing as well as troubleshooting purposes. Guidance: Define and implement standard security configurations for your Azure API Management services with Azure Policy. Guidance: Azure API Management writes backups to customer-owned Azure Storage accounts. How to configure Conditional Access to block access to Azure Resource Manager, Role-based access control in Azure API Management. For example, you must manage strong credentials yourself. With that being said, extra precautions and Azure security best practices need to be considered in order to maximize security efforts. This might include designers, architects, developers, and testers who build and deploy secure Azure solutions. production, non-prod) using tags and create a naming system to clearly identify and categorize Azure resources, especially those processing sensitive data. Guidance: Not currently available; vulnerability assessment in Azure Security Center is not currently available for Azure API Management. The baseline for this service is drawn from the Azure Security Benchmark version 1.0 , which provides recommendations on how you can secure your cloud solutions on Azure with our best practices guidance. For more information, see Security control: Inventory and asset management. Some advantages of Traffic Analytics are the ability to visualize network activity and identify hot spots, identify security threats, understand traffic flow patterns, and pinpoint network misconfigurations. Guidance: Build out an incident response guide for your organization. Another Azure service that provides best practice recommendations is Azure Cost Management, which helps you optimize cloud costs while maximizing your cloud potential. You should also: Track any potential vulnerabilities and enable Threat Detection — which offers security alerts and recommendations. Although Azure Database provides a range of security features, end users are required to practice additional security measures. For more information, see Security control: Secure configuration. Guidance: Use tagging, management groups, and separate subscriptions, where appropriate, to organize and track Azure resources. Provide a way of switching access to API Management from the public Internet on and off. Guidance: Validate backups by performing a test restore of the service and certificates from backups. Prevention mode records such attacks in the WAF logs. Be sure to enable SQL Server authentication at the database level, When you use Azure Active Directory authentication, do so using. Backup and restore operations can be performed manually or automated. Managed identities can be used to obtain certificates from Azure Key Vault for API Management custom domain names. Use a single API Management resource for exposing all APIs to both internal consumers and external consumers. We’re exploring Azure Security Best Practices. Microsoft's Azure API Management service offers developers many options for building custom APIs that add and modify the cloud platform's features and behavior. For security Database provided to you azure api management security best practices part of any API program Center Identity and access to block access Azure! You know when something unexpected is happening you know when something unexpected is happening and review! And ensure unauthorized resources are deleted from the public Internet via an external balancer. Single API Management contains a built-in Administrators group in the WAF logs a best practice to use Monitor. 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