example of assault in nursing

Handing care of your parents, grandparents, or other elderly loved ones to a nursing home, assisted living facility, or caregiver is a huge test in trust. “Elder Abuse: Prevention Strategies.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If a nursing home attendant surprises the patient and pushes the patient from behind, that would qualify as battery. Caregivers should watch residents for any signs of abuse, and report anything that seems out of the ordinary to management. Web. Rape-Trauma Syndrome is the nursing diagnosis that applies to the physical and psychological effects resulting from a sexual assault. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d. His victims ranged in age from their 50s to 80s, with most suffering from long-term debilitating conditions. In these types of situations, professionals and family members must be knowledgeable about the risk of abuse and the signs that physical abuse has occurred. So, if a patient flat out refuses an injection, and you still give it to them, that’s assault…which leads us into the last thing we’re gonna talk about, which is criminal and civil law. Common perpetrators of elder sexual abuse include friends, live-in nursing aids, nursing home assistants, family members and other types of care providers that are left alone to care for the elderly individual. For example : if you odnt eat your breakfast, I ll make you stay in the chair all day. You may also be able to file a civil suit against the staff members for committing the assault and battery. Houston medical malpractice attorney Charles Brown, who is representing the victim’s family, stated, “The law acknowledges that nursing home residents have the right to live free of sexual abuse. Patients may not be in control of senses, and may not even realize the harm that is being inflicted on another. 8. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing. “Elder Abuse and Neglect.” HelpGuide.org. It may be difficult to believe that nursing home employees physically assault the seniors living under their care, but it is an all-too-common occurrence. Assault and battery on nursing home residents is most often committed by nursing home staff, but can be committed by family members or other patients. The man strikes her a couple times and begins to rip at her clothes. Physical abuse at nursing homes is a serious problem. You expect medical professionals to keep your most needy family members happy and healthy. Physical abuse can leave not only physical pain and scarring, but also cause your aging loved one great emotional pain. Nursing home abuse is, unfortunately, a problem that is not uncommon. Forensic Nursing is a specialty that combines nursing practice with the legal system. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 14 Jan 2014. Web. .

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