sycamore wood uses uk

ft.) Hardness 770 Janka Rating -40.31% softer than red oak (1290 psi) Density 0.49 Specific Gravity -23.44% less dense than red oak (.64) General Workability. Also in the cottage is an open plan living area with a kitchen and sitting area. The most prized sycamore is described as rippled which means there is a regular wave in the grain. The European Sycamore is known to be the hard and strong but it’s not durable so must not be used for external doors, windows, exterior cladding or garden furniture. They can grow up to 115 feet, or 35 metres, with a trunk that is three to four feet in diameter. People do not differ in the way that tree species do. Sycamore bezeichnet . Cherry and Hickory are both great examples of this. Its sapwood is often more utilised than the heartwood, providing light golden to reddish brown wood. The cottage sleeps five people and has double bedroom with an en-suite, a twin room and a family bathroom. Because of the manner in which it burns, it takes a lot of sycamore wood to keep a house warm. Sycamore trees stood sentinel on earth long before humans appeared. The sycamore can also be tapped like a maple tree for syrup or sugar. And I am skeptical of products that claim extra-long life spans, for I fear they are like the Wonder Bread of outdoor materials, laden with chemicals to prolong their shelf life. Different woods have different initial water content, often determined by where a tree grows. Sycamore wood is relatively moderate in weight, hardness, stiffness, and shock resistance. Actually a maple by genus, sycamore is among the most valuable native broad-leafed trees in Europe. Sycamore is pretty much always in stock as boules and waney edge (through and through) boards. You can tell the wood  that hasn’t been dried as it should because it has stick marks (no air drying, no stick marks!) Ive given credit in parenthesis to those who have contributed the name of that source. Typical boards widths go from as small as 150mm on a crown board up to 1.0m or more sometimes for a centre board. All we need is the encouragement from a client with vision and imagination. In London’s woods sycamore isn’t shading out or competing with much else anyway and I welcome it, it is after all creating the ancient woods of the future in many places. Sycamore wood can readily be burnt in a fireplace. The fungus doesn’t kill the tree, but it makes it weak and hollow. The good news is that Sycamore is pretty easy to burn. Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus) Red Maple (Acer rubrum) Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum) Hard Maple (Acer saccharum) ... BOOK: WOOD! European Sycamore TEMPERATE HARDWOOD Uses: European Sycamore Uses. Burns well: Grade: 3: Walnut: Juglans: A low quality firewood: Grade: 2: Wellingtonia: Sequoiadendron: Poor for use as a firewood. Basically Sycamore just doesn’t keep when it’s wet so it’s not a species we can air dry. What can sycamore wood be used for? See more ideas about wood carving art, wood sculpture, sycamore wood. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Sycamores have strong wood with several uses, but as the tree ages, a fungus attacks and consumes the heartwood. Sycamore wood is fairly to easy to start, provided the wood has been cut and seasoned. To confuse the matter further, American Sycamores are referred to as Planes. In North America, trees called sycamore belong to the genus Platanus, and are also called plane trees. Sycamore wood can be used to build a blazing campfire at a campground, RV park or in the back yard. They can grow up to 115 feet, or 35 metres, with a trunk that is three to four feet in diameter. One solution to this problem is to mix sycamore with other types of wood that burn hotter, resulting in a fire that emits more heat for the amount of wood burnt. They become active in the spring at about the same time as leaves begin to develop. In times past, a young man would carve the spoon for his love and, if she accepted it, they could begin to court. an antique victorian turned sycamore dairy bowl good condition. It has a distinct modular ray that reveals its fleck in the quarter-sawing process, and unlike the more commonly known White Oak, it is small and frequent, giving a freckled or spotted appearance. Identifying and Using Hundreds of Woods Worldwide; POSTER: Periodic Table of Wood; POSTER: Worldwide Woods: Ranked by Hardness; Wood Images for Desktop Backgrounds; Working with Wood . It produces handsome bark on its massive trunks. The sycamore trees are broad, thus giving us an excellent shade. The boards are likely to encompass all the grades although Sycamore is a classic straight fine grain timber. Reply; Rochelle Mefferd December 7, 2017, 7:35 pm. Sycamore Pyrography Blanks hand made in the UK from the finest quality hardwood. The wood is milled into thin narrow layers and the bark into strips to make woven baskets and other decorative objects. There is a third sycamore, and it is Ficus … Hence London Plane is Platanus × hispanica. Not rot resistant and shouldn’t be used for longterm structures exposed to the moisture. And it definitely doesn’t smell bad like Buckeye or Ailenthus, which … Sycamore firewood should only be used when the temperature is not extremely low. One of the problems with using wood from these trees is that sycamore does not produce a lot of heat when burnt. No need to register, buy now! A blazing campfire also … Find out if it's from endangered trees, or from a sustainable source. Acer pseudoplantanus is Sycamore’s botanical name but it’s also known as Great Maple, European Sycamore, Sycamore Plane, and Sycamore Maple. Sycamore is already a big hit with furniture makers and manufacturers. Sycamore timber is hard and strong, pale cream and with a fine grain, and is excellent for carving. Sycamore Lace Bug: Sycamore lace bug (Corythucha ciliata) gets its name from the lacy pattern seen on the adult’s wings, head, and thorax (chest region).The adult is small, 1 /8 inch in length and brown to black in color. If you’re seeking hardness or strength Ash or Walnut are good alternatives but Beech or Oak will give you tough, hard, strong timber sto work with. The wood is hard and almost impossible to split, so it has been used for butcher blocks for many years. In this video I turn a very heavily spalted 17 X 4 inch sycamore bowl. Sycamore index page: Invasive Woody Plants. We have a list of useful sources of information you can consult for more up-to-date information below. The botanical … Hence London Plane is Platanus × hispanica. However the wood is placed, it must allow air into the centre of the pile in order for the wood to burn. Using Wood Outside Outdoor furniture. Sycamore is planted in parks for ornamental purposes, and sometimes as a street tree, since its tolerance of air pollution makes it suitable for use in urban plantings. Not for use on an open fire and make sure wood-burning stoves have a good door catch: Grade: 1-2: Sycamore (Maples) Acer pseudoplatanus: Good firewood. Lengths can actually be quite short, starting at around 2.0m and going up to 4 to 4.5m in length. Campfires are used for heat, as a place to cook and as a social spot for people to gather when they are camping. In times past, a young man would carve the spoon for his love and, if she accepted it, they could begin to court. It is however possible to treat European Sycamore using a process known as thermal modification, in order to allow it to be used … It is indigenous to the southeastern United States and is found many places throughout the region. In hot weather the leaves become very sticky with a sugary syrup called honey-dew. The wood is manufactured, turned and crafted to make toys, tongue depressors, toothpicks, paper pulp and high-end furniture. Platanus occidentalis, also known as American sycamore, American planetree, western plane, occidental plane, buttonwood, and water beech, is a species of Platanus native to the eastern and central United States, the mountains of northeastern Mexico, extreme southern Ontario, and possibly extreme southern Quebec. If the temperatures are too low, you’re going to need to choose something else. Sycamore is generally stable – small movement in service – it wont warp much if subjected to moisture content changes. Please note the Good Wood Guide was produced in 1997, so some of the information may no longer be correct. The short answer is “meh”. Well Sycamore & Maple are both Acers and as trees not so very different, plus Plane (Platanus) has similar qualities and appearance as a tree so it’s understandable they’ve all been mistaken for each other in the past. Having a landscape maintenance business in California most of my clients are in a gated senior community where the builders lined the streets with Sycamores. it doesn’t have an overt perfume and doesn’t taint or leach tannin. One solution to this problem is to mix sycamore with other types of wood that burn hotter, resulting in a fire that emits more heat for the amount of wood burnt. "If you want a really shattered look then apply a thin coat, it will shatter more" Delivered anywhere in UK. It is more likely to be found in southern, eastern, and central Europe. We aim to seek out and facilitate the drying of long and wide boards in homegrown timbers and Sycamore is included in that spec. Even totally clear finishes can alter colour enough to be unacceptable to a client. The name derives from the ancient Greek συκόμορος (sūkomoros) meaning "fig-mulberry".. Sycamore wood can be used to build a blazing campfire at a campground, RV park or in the back yard. Burning sycamore wood in a fireplace will provide some heat for a single room, but in very cold weather it will need to be supplemented. Nearly white in color with a fine, close texture, notable uniform structure, and straight grain that may be figured, this light color wood evokes a minimalist elegance. But what about Sycamore? Once logs are milled it’s necessary to kiln this species almost immediately. Once cut, split and dried, sycamore can be used in several ways as firewood. Sycamore is a good firewood. Some types of firewood are famous for having a nice fragrance. Sycamore is an attractive light coloured timber used in furniture and musical instruments. Platanus occidentalis, also known as American sycamore, American planetree, western plane, occidental plane, buttonwood, and water beech, is a species of Platanus native to the eastern and central United States, the mountains of northeastern Mexico, extreme southern Ontario, and possibly extreme southern Quebec. flooring, furniture making, kitchen worktops, interior joinery and variations along those themes. by P. Binggeli published in 1993 in Plant-Lore Notes & News 29, 131-133. Sycamore wood - Designing Buildings Wiki - Share your construction industry knowledge. Birch is easy to work with using power tools. Not for use on an open fire and make sure wood-burning stoves have a good door catch: Grade: 1-2: Sycamore (Maples) Acer pseudoplatanus: Good firewood. DalescraftPyrography. While turning the bowl I came across a very punky section which I had to treat. It’s judiciosly felled in deep winter and logs are not left long at roadside. AMERICAN SYCAMORE WOOD. Not recommended for dishwasher cleaning. Common Uses: Veneer, plywood, interior trim, pallets/crates, flooring, furniture, particleboard, paper (pulpwood), tool handles, and other turned objects. Sycamore is a popular wood that has a delicate, pale lustred colouring and a fine graphic like woodgrain. In our understanding the greying and stick marks are stains due to the active bacteria that begin to degrade the cells once the timber has been exposed to the air. Them the breaks we guess… horses for courses… that’s what Oak, Elm and Yew are for! It will emit a moderate amount of heat compared to oak or maple. Sycamore is a single-storey cottage in a courtyard setting in the village of Wood Norton near to Fakenham in Norfolk. Good 3/10 . The sycamore tree is a large tree, often reaching 100 feet or more in height. It is hardy to zone (UK) 5. As long as the temperatures are not excessively cold, sycamore will make a good firewood. Wildlife benefit from hollow sycamore trees, using them as storage chambers for nuts, nesting sites and shelter. Sycamore wood can be used to build a blazing campfire at a campground, RV park or in the back yard. Drying Wood at Home; Finishing Exotic and Tropical … Stack wood in a pyramid or a square, or pile it loosely in a heap. The wood is mostly used for veneer, plywood, cabinetry, interior … For use with food, kitchen worktops, chopping boards, turning for platters and serving dishes, plates and bowls or even rolling pins it should be considered over Oak, Chestnut, Cedar of Lebanon (another pale and interesting specimen) or Walnut because it is inert i.e. A blazing campfire also helps to discourage such predators as bears and coyotes from coming into the camp site. Tree Autecology and Biology. However the wood is placed, it must allow air into the centre of the pile in order for the wood to burn. Sycamore will produce a fine, campfire-like smell. thermal modification), Density (Kg/m3 at 12% moisture): 630 but varies by up to 20% +/-. Everything rots eventually. The wood of sycamore was commonly used to make kitchen items and toys, and was also the main choice for Welsh love spoons - traditional carved gifts. In the UK, Sycamore is actually the European Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), whereas in the US, Sycamore refers to Platanus occidentalis/Platanus racemosa. Pieces that are green in the center or have the bark still firmly attached do not burn well or produce warm heat. The overall colouring is creamy yellow with the marked growth rings a rich reddy-brown. However if you wanted to stay with ‘pale and interesting’ some white Ash boards would work  If you want seriously contrasting strip pick Walnut or even Black Walnut. Sycamore timber is rarely used for exterior purposes, predominantly found to be used in flooring, worktops and furniture. Stack wood in a pyramid or a square, or pile it loosely in a heap. Actually a maple by genus, sycamore is among the most valuable native broad-leafed trees in Europe. The trees can grow to enormous dimensions  of 50m height and 1.5m diameter or more and so it follows that Sycamore logs are substantial in size too. Flat cut veneer shows the characteristic cathedral pattern. Submit a Review for Sycamore Lodge. Sycamore Trees & Timber | Species | English Woodlands Timber Uses of Sycamore Trees for Fire Wood. The cottage sleeps five people and has double bedroom with an en-suite, a twin room and a family bathroom. Sycamore is ideally suited for turnery, furniture and flooring. Although hard, tough, and resistant to splitting, sycamore posed some difficulty in drying. As for workability, this species is a dream. Longer is harder to come by, but we’re working on it ! The species is monoecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but both sexes can be found on the same plant) and is pollinated by Bees. Sycamore wood can be used to build a blazing campfire at a campground, RV park or in the back yard. The wood of sycamore was commonly used to make kitchen items and toys, and was also the main choice for Welsh love spoons - traditional carved gifts. Pyrography Blank Solid English Sycamore Herb Chopping Board, hand made and very high quality made in the UK. in erster Linie die Amerikanische Platane; die Kalifornische Platane als Kalifornien-Sycamore; Platanus wrightii als Arizona-Sycamore; aber auch der Berg-Ahorn als Ahorn-Sycamore; Der Name kommt von der biblischen Maulbeer-Feige, die auch als Sykomore bezeichnet … in erster Linie die Amerikanische Platane; die Kalifornische Platane als Kalifornien-Sycamore; Platanus wrightii als Arizona-Sycamore; aber auch der Berg-Ahorn als Ahorn-Sycamore; Der Name kommt von der biblischen Maulbeer-Feige, die auch als Sykomore bezeichnet wird. Sycamore trees can grow to be one of the biggest domestic timbers in North America and are often left to grow to full maturity because the wood is very difficult to split for firewood and most sawmills don’t quarter saw. Sycamore wood has a wide and twisting grain structure and is commonly used to manufacture decorative goods. Red Oak . In the UK, Sycamore is actually the European Maple (Acer pseudoplatanus), whereas in the US, Sycamore refers to Platanus occidentalis/Platanus racemosa. For us wood people they’re actually 3 quite identifiably different timbers, which of course means more choice for you if you’re a furniture maker or an interior designer or specialist joinery! Why, where what and how by Wikipedia, What Wikipedia says about good old Acer Pseudoplatanus, Find more Wood Species data on TRADA’s website, The Timber Rack – Book a Time-slot to Visit. Hence, it is used for making furniture, musical instruments, butcher blocks, etc. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. It is used for furniture in small lumber pieces as the wood is not very strong. Sycamore lumber stains easily and finishes well. If it comes down to it and you really can’t find what you need with a Sycamore spec you might find something in north american sister species Maple. So it’s a sensitive little soul with a heart of gold, our Sycamore… and a bit of TLC is all it asks. Sycamore is a variety of MAPLE (acer) common to the UK, in the past more frequently referred to as ‘Plane’ or ‘Plane Tree’ in Scotland but NOT to be confused with LONDON PLANE. The price for chic outdoor furniture can be justified if your purchase is an investment in products that will weather well over time. Boxes, bedroom funriture, Cigar boxes, Cooperages, Decorative veneer, Paneling , Baskets, Casks, Dressed boards, Figured veneer, Interior construction, custom furniture. Sycamore wood can readily be burnt in a fireplace. Ok, well here’s where you could have some fun. As a timber its hardwood, pale white wood. Sycamore lumber uses include furniture, cabinets, millwork, paneling, flooring, and molding. Sycamore is a name which has been applied to several types of trees, but with somewhat similar leaf forms. The sycamore tree is a large tree, often reaching 100 feet or more in height. We’d love to see it! Sycamore Plant Height, Benefits, Problems and Facts. Because of the low level of heat production from this type of wood, and because of the general inefficiency of using a fireplace for heating, it is not a good way to heat an entire house. If repairing or reusing old wood isn't possible, here's a guide to buying new timber. Red Oak . Wood Texture. Stack wood in a pyramid or a square, or pile it loosely in a heap. There are a myriad of wood types to choose from, all of which have their own burning qualities and properties and although there are references to burning green wood in this guide, we would stress that for the most efficient and effective burn in your wood burning stove only very dry wood should be used. Some Typical Uses. For us the striking characteristics of this timber are it’s pale colouring, lustrous grain pattern, the substantial dimensions and it’s sufarce hardness. If you took the lack of durability of Sycamore as it’s bottom line, that keeps in within the interior realms. The wood is milled into thin narrow layers and the bark into strips to make woven baskets and other decorative objects. Otherwise, be prepared to burn more wood in order to produce enough heat to warm a house. Sycamore is a single-storey cottage in a courtyard setting in the village of Wood Norton near to Fakenham in Norfolk. However the wood is placed, it must allow air into the center of the pile in order for the wood to burn. Lets rebuild that information using our collective knowledge and experience. It is in flower from April to June, and the seeds ripen from September to October. Sycamore wood bowl 300mm x 65mm deep, used . Thanks for sharing the plethora of information. Sycamore trees can grow to enormous dimensions  of 30m or more in height and 1.5m or more diameter  so it follows that Sycamore logs are substantial in size too. Tropical Forest Ecology. Its timber is tough and is hard to split. During autumn the Sycamore turns a bright shade of gold. Today, these spoons are often given as wedding presents. It’s a native tree species that’s fairly common as a tree but not so much as a timber although we have been cutting and drying it for the last… oh uh um…. Burns well: Grade: 3: Walnut: Juglans: A low quality firewood: Grade: 2: Wellingtonia: Sequoiadendron: Poor for use as a firewood. Mechanical Strength: High strength properties similar to those of Oak, Durability: Not durable (without further processing e.g. Sycamore, also known as European sycamore or Acer pseudoplatanus, are deciduous trees with broad leaves. It’s harder to come bu lots of character within Sycamore boards, in fact the prized rippled grain Sycamore might even be more common than a gnarled, burred, knotty board. Red Oak . Perhaps due to an increased consideration of environmental factors in making and manufacturing we’ve seen popularity rise and demand increase. The majority are 300-400mm and, as you can imagine, the super wide boards sell very quickly*. The sap offers a year-round source of hydration in warm climates. Also in the cottage is an open plan living area with a kitchen and sitting area. The wood tends to warp in the drying process, so use dried, seasoned wood. The cottage sleeps five people and has double bedroom with an en-suite, a twin room and a family bathroom. The name derives from the ancient Greek συκόμορος (sūkomoros) meaning "fig-mulberry". Average 5/10 . Missouri Botanical Garden: Kemper Center for Home Gardening, Inquiry Net: Traditional Scouting Activities: Fire Types, Wood Types, U.S. Forest Service Products Laboratory: Firewood Ratings and Info. Sycamore bezeichnet . Also in the cottage is an open plan living area with a kitchen and sitting area. Sadly it’s more often the timber handling equipment that determines the size of available boards. Wood of a Sycamore Tree. It produces a hard-wearing, white or cream close-grained timber that turns golden with age. Can pine wood be burned in a wood stove?→. Sycamore wood bowl 300mm x 65mm deep. This area of the forum was a great resource for information on where to buy various types of wood. As the bowl is made from a natural product, colours and grain patterns may vary from those shown. Heat Sycamore is a hardwood and as such produces a moderate amount of heat. To confuse the matter further, American Sycamores are referred to as Planes. Hope the physical and historical facts provided in this article have enriched your knowledge about US variety of this unique tree. A single tree can provide a large amount of firewood, but it must be cured before being used, because it won't provide an appreciable amount of heat when burnt green. How to finish pale timbers like maple, beech, or sycamore Creamy woods are susceptible to yellowing from many types of wood finish, especially oil based ones such as Danish Oil or those with a high urethane content. Sycamore grows in North America Weight 2.83 lbs /Bd. Uses: Cabinet making, furniture manufacture, good quality joinery work, turnery and kitchen utensils. Species of trees known as sycamore: Acer pseudoplatanus, a species of maple native to central Europe and southwestern Asia; Ficus sycomorus, the sycamore (or sycomore) of the Bible; a … at least 3o years. Confused? We supply the timber untreated ready for you to work with. It is naturally more antibacterial than some other species, so ideal for kitchen worktops and chopping boards etc. However, sycamore is not right for all situations. It cuts and planes well with hand or machine tools, it has good bending strength so is good for steaming and it takes stains and finishes well. The sap and heartwood are the same colour size and visual qualities. Soft wood, green wood, and big wood will produce substandard fires. That's why it was used only on a limited basis for shipping trunks, piano and organ cases, washing machine bodies, and pails. Ease of Finishing. There is a third sycamore, and it is Ficus … This tree is thought to have been introduced into the UK in the Middle Ages, and since then has become a naturalised species. Willow, for example, likes to grow in wet soils or besides water bodies, therefore the wood from this tree has a high water content and requires longer seasoning. Fine 3/10 . Sycamore’s been a staple on our stock but has maintained a niche timber status in the great scheme of things, sought out by artisan furniture makers and turners who know their stuff. Sycamore is a single-storey cottage in a courtyard setting in the village of Wood Norton near to Fakenham in Norfolk. Flat cut veneer shows the characteristic cathedral pattern. Find the perfect sycamore wood stock photo. From shop DalescraftPyrography . Sycamore is a name which has been applied to several types of trees, but with somewhat similar leaf forms. Ft.-20.95% lighter than red oak (3.58 /bd. We welcome residents/service users and their family/friends to submit reviews to This is not a formal complaint procedure or to be used for allegations of negligence, abuse or criminal activity. In order to be stable the wood must be quartersawn. If repairing or reusing old wood isn't possible, here's a guide to buying new timber. Available in all shapes and sizes at very reasonable prices and perfect for wood burnin,g craft projects or just to have for the sheer beauty of the natural wood. Uses of sycamore. Firewood should have a moisture content of below 30% at least for burning. Find out if it's from endangered trees, or from a sustainable source. The wood is hard and almost impossible to split, so it has been used for butcher blocks for many years. So in through & through we cut and keep thicknesses 27, 34, 41, 54, 65, 80 & 100mm thick. Rippled sycamore when cut exhibits a stunning three-dimensional figure which becomes more pronounced after polishing. For projects that require a clean, white colouring or a crisp, strong contrast or an almost stoney hardness then Sycamore deserves consideration. We have a list of useful sources of information you can consult for more up-to-date information below. Wood sourced closer to home is gaining attention from sustainably minded designers and makers because as it has a fraction of the carbon footprint of an imported Sycamore from Europe or a comparable Acer like Maple from North America. Forestry. This is one of our locally grown North American species. Acer pseudoplatanus is a deciduous Tree growing to 30 m (98ft) by 15 m (49ft) at a fast rate. Which Wood Burns Best? Sycamore trees are native to the UK, deciduous and fairly commonly found from well managed, sustainable woodland sources. The most heavily figured sycamore is sometimes referred to as ‘fiddleback’ because of its use in the construction of high grade musical instrument cases. Campfires are used for heat, as a place to cook and as a social spot for people to gather when they are camping. Sycamore is a term used differently in Europe and America. verschiedene Baumarten aus der Familie der Platanengewächse, die in Nordamerika heimisch sind . Nearly white in color with a fine, close texture, notable uniform structure, and straight grain that may be figured, this light color wood evokes a minimalist elegance. Sustainability: This wood species is not listed in the CITES Appendices or on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. With thermal modification it’s possible to change that spec to use it for cladding and exterior furniture making too. The unique properties of European Sycamore make an ideal wood for use in interior joinery and turnery. The only snag with this particular Acer is is perishability. Pitcairn Islands : SYCAMORE LORE. They are also … Its sapwood is often more utilised than the heartwood, providing light golden to reddish brown wood. It is used to make furniture and kitchenware, such as ladles and wooden spoons as the wood does not taint or stain the food. We’re thrilled if this is the case, not least of all because Sycamore trees and their useful and valuable timber deserve to be treasured. We leave a few days for a bit of initial moisture loss (we even stand boards vertically so water will run down through the grain) but after a few days it needs to be vacuum kilned to actively extract water, bring down moisture levels and prevent bacteria growth which blackens and stains the wood. To Fakenham in Norfolk still firmly attached do not burn well or warm... Waney edge ( through and through ) boards species for a creative designer maker or to! Should have a list of useful sources of information you can consult for more up-to-date information.! 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