aikido martial arts

How does it differ from others? How does it differ from others? Posted: (2 days ago) Little Alchemy 2 Cheats - Complete list of all combinations for all items all 720 elements great overview of all recipes. How does it differ from others? Game Description. The different formulas are all interlinked. Mazes. Alchemy for Android Complete 390 Combinations Guide Version 1.00 Created by JeremyP1006 This guide is to be used to help complete all combinations in the game Alchemy for Android by Andrey 'Zed' Zaikin from the Google play store. Little Alchemy 2 - List of All Combinations for All Items. 1 Overview 2 Herb combinations 3 Potions 4 Herbs as food / Cooking meat with herbs / Food items YetAnotherPD has many differences from Original PD in both the functions of plants and the combinations needed to brew potions, while the alchemy's interface has been also changed: There are no seeds in YetAnotherPD. You start with the basic elements fire, water, air, and earth and create more complex items up to battery, refrigerator, and football boots.In our complete cheat sheet you choose an item from an alphabetically sorted list with all elements to find out more about it. Alcohol = Time + Juice. MG Software. Little Alchemy 2 – Geology Combinations. Airplane = Metal + Bird: 7. This page lists out all the elements that you could create in alphabetical order. Posted: (2 days ago) is the best cheats Guide for Little Alchemy 1 and Little Alchemy 2. Glitches: Witcher=Coin+Warrior Wolf=Moon+Beast Woman=Milk+Man (Perfume+Flower) Wood=Tool+Tree Wooden Plank=Wood+Sawmill Wooden Ship=Boat+Wood Wool=Hunter+Beast (Mammoth) Worm=Earth+Plankton Y Yarn=Spinning Wheel+Wool Yoda=Jedi+Swamp Yogurt=Bacteria+Milk Yoshi=1UP+Egg Z Zombie=Fossil+Life Zoo=Beast+Museum. Little Alchemy 2 builds on the previous version of the game, with over 600 items to discover and craft. Includes all Myths and Monsters content pack items cheats! Little Alchemy 2's latest update added new combinations, bringing the list to 700 items. Remember that Success rates can be altered by a hunter holding one or more Book of Combos, or by having an armor with the Combination Success Rate skills. Ambulance = Hospital + Car: 14. Airplane = Bird + Metal or Machine. Algae = Life + water 11. Little Alchemy 2 Walkthrough and Guide by Dennis (Sanzano) Luckily we’ve solved each and every level to help bring you this amazing fun and addicting game walkthrough to help you complete this surprisingly… Install. | Deity + rain | Deity + rainbow | Jörmungandr + rainbow, animal + pirate ship | animal + sailboat | big + mouse | city + mouse | mouse + pirate ship | mouse + sailboat | mouse + skyscraper | mouse + village, bakery + newspaper | bakery + paper | baker + newspaper | baker + paper | cook + paper | flour + newspaper | flour + paper | fruit + newspaper | fruit + paper | meat + newspaper | meat + paper | newspaper + vegetable | paper + vegetable, grass + pond | grass + puddle | grass + river | grass + swamp | plant + pond | plant + puddle | plant + river | plant + swamp, animal + christmas stocking | animal + christmas tree | animal + santa | christmas tree + livestock | livestock + santa, diamond + gold | diamond + love | diamond + metal | diamond + steel | gold + love | love + metal | love + steel, big + stream | hill + rain | lake + motion | mountain + rain | mountain + water, armor + golem | armor + life | golem + metal | golem + steel | life + metal | life + steel, broom + computer | broom + robot | computer + vacuum cleaner | robot + vacuum cleaner, big + pebble | boulder + small | 2*pebble, airplane + atmosphere | atmosphere + boat | atmosphere + car | atmosphere + machine | atmosphere + metal | atmosphere + pirate ship | atmosphere + steamboat | atmosphere + steel | atmosphere + train, egg + fish | egg + flying fish | egg + lake | egg + ocean | egg + sea | egg + water, cart + park | car + park | park + train | park + wagon, boat + tool | pirate ship + tool | sailboat + tool | 2*thread | thread + wire | tool + wire, blade + flower | blade + plant | flower + love | love + plant, castle + time | city + time | farm + time | hospital + time | house + time | skyscraper + time | time + village, air + metal | air + steel | metal + oxygen | oxygen + steel, container + flour | container + letter | container + salt, fabric + horse | horse + leather | horse + tool, container + gold | container + gun | gold + metal | gold + steel | metal + money | money + steel, armor + glasses | bulletproof vest + glasses | engineer + glasses | explosion + glasses | glasses + tool, boat + fabric | boat + wind | fabric + steamboat | steamboat + wind, boat + human | human + lake | human + ocean | human + sailboat | human + sea | human + steamboat, fire + Monster | lava + Monster | lizard + Monster | Monster + volcano, fire + ocean | fire + sea | mineral + ocean | mineral + sea | ocean + sun | sea + sun, air + pebble | air + rock | air + stone | pebble + small | pebble + wind | rock + wind | stone + wind, beach + castle | castle + desert | castle + dune | castle + sand, earth + sand | rock + sand | sand + stone, desert + motion | desert + storm | desert + tornado | desert + wind | motion + sand | sand + storm | sand + tornado, bacon + bread | bread + cheese | bread + ham | bread + meat | bread + vegetable, christmas stocking + human | christmas stocking + legend | christmas stocking + story | christmas tree + human | christmas tree + legend | christmas tree + story, ambulance + blade | ambulance + sword | blade + doctor | blade + hospital | doctor + sword | hospital + sword, barn + statue | farm + statue | golem + hay | hay + human | hay + sack | hay + statue | jack-o-lantern + sack | pumpkin + sack, human + microscope | human + telescope | human + universe, 2*blade | blade + paper | blade + sword | paper + sword | 2*sword, animal + dune | animal + sand | desert + spider | dune + spider | sand + spider, air + container | atmosphere + container | container + oxygen, axe + grass | axe + wheat | blade + grass | blade + wheat | grass + sword | sword + wheat, big + lake | 2*lake | lake + water | ocean + small, beach + bird | beach + pigeon | beach + rat | bird + ocean | bird + sea | ocean + pigeon | ocean + rat | pigeon + sea | rat + sea, fish + horse | horse + lake | horse + ocean | horse + sea | horse + water, arctic + dog | dog + lake | dog + ocean | dog + sea | dog + water, airplane + lake | airplane + ocean | airplane + sea | airplane + water, boat + sickness | lake + sickness | ocean + sickness | sailboat + sickness | sea + sickness | sickness + steamboat, grass + ocean | grass + sea | lake + plant | ocean + plant | plant + sea, bee + pollen | flower + time | plant + pollen, electricity + needle | electricity + thread | machine + needle | machine + thread | needle + robot | robot + thread, blood + fish | blood + ocean | blood + sea | fish + wolf | ocean + wolf | sea + wolf, cloud + livestock | domestication + goat | domestication + mountain goat | hill + livestock | land + livestock | livestock + wool, boat + Kraken | Kraken + pirate ship | Kraken + sailboat | Kraken + steamboat, blade + ninja | blade + star | metal + star | star + steel | star + sword, bacteria + human | human + sickness | human + swamp, bank + wheat | barn + wheat | container + wheat | farm + wheat | house + wheat | safe + wheat | wall + wheat, ski goggles + wheel | skier + wheel | snowboard + wheel, cold + glasses | cold + sunglasses | glacier + glasses | glacier + sunglasses | glasses + skier | glasses + snow | skier + sunglasses | snow + sunglasses, human + mountain | human + mountain range | human + ski goggles, air + cloud | atmosphere + cloud | atmosphere + sun | moon + sun, big + house | cloud + house | house + sky | sky + village, antarctica + cart | antarctica + wagon | arctic + cart | arctic + wagon | cart + ice | cart + snow | ice + wagon | snow + wagon, ant + philosophy | bacteria + philosophy | bee + philosophy | carbon dioxide + philosophy | confetti + philosophy | oxygen + philosophy | ozone + philosophy | pebble + philosophy | philosophy + rivulet | philosophy + scorpion | philosophy + seahorse | philosophy + spider, air + city | atmosphere + city | city + fog | city + smoke | fog + smoke, air + fire | campfire + storm | campfire + time | campfire + water | earth + gas | fire + grass | fire + plant | fire + tree | fire + wood, campfire + fabric | fabric + smoke | letter + smoke, blender + fruit | cold + fruit | fruit + ice, animal + rope | animal + wire | electric eel + land, cold + rain | cold + steam | mountain range + rain | mountain + rain, blizzard + crystal ball | blizzard + glass | christmas stocking + crystal ball | christmas stocking + glass | christmas tree + crystal ball | christmas tree + glass | cold + crystal ball | crystal ball + ice | crystal ball + santa | crystal ball + snow | crystal ball + snowball | crystal ball + snowman | crystal ball + snowmobile | glass + santa | glass + snow | glass + snowball | glass + snowman | glass + snowmobile, earth + snow | human + snow | rock + snow | snow + stone, ice + surfer | ice + wood | mountain range + surfer | mountain + surfer | snow + surfer | snow + wood, carrot + snow | carrot + snowball | coal + snow | coal + snowball | human + snow | 2*snowball, car + glacier | car + ice | car + snow | glacier + motorcycle | ice + motorcycle | motorcycle + snow, ash + oil | ash + wax | clay + oil | clay + wax | oil + wax, carbon dioxide + juice | carbon dioxide + tea | carbon dioxide + water, earth + life | earth + organic matter | land + life | land + organic matter, electricity + sun | energy + sun | light + tool | machine + sun | sun + tool, container + jupiter | container + mars | container + mercury | container + planet | container + saturn | container + sun | container + venus | 2*planet | planet + sun, air + wave | animal + wave | human + wave | wave + wolf, moon + star | night + solar system | sky + solar system | sky + star | star + sun, atmosphere + house | atmosphere + village | atmosphere + wall | house + space | space + village | space + wall, airplane + space | astronaut + container | boat + space | car + space | metal + space | pirate ship + space | space + steamboat | space + steel, pasta + rope | pasta + thread | pasta + wire, desert + statue | lion + statue | lion + stone | pyramid + statue, animal + net | animal + thread | animal + web, light + machine | light + metal | light + steel, confetti + sugar | double rainbow! + wax | paint + pencil | paint + wax | pencil + rainbow | rainbow + wax, bird + field | bird + scarecrow | field + hummingbird | field + owl | field + pigeon | hummingbird + scarecrow | owl + scarecrow | pigeon + scarecrow, glass + magic | glass + witch | glass + wizard | magic + snow globe | snow globe + witch | snow globe + wizard, Deity + galaxy | Deity + galaxy cluster | Deity + solar system | Deity + space | Deity + universe | galaxy cluster + Monster | galaxy + Monster | Monster + solar system | Monster + space | Monster + universe, alarm clock + bird | alarm clock + hummingbird | alarm clock + owl | bird + clock | clock + hummingbird | clock + owl, bottle + milk shake | bottle + smoothie | bottle + tea | container + milk shake | container + smoothie | container + tea, cold + ocean | cold + sea | heat + ocean | heat + sea | motion + ocean | motion + sea | ocean + science | science + sea, astronaut + robot | baker + robot | cook + robot | doctor + robot | electrician + robot | engineer + robot | farmer + robot | firefighter + robot | human + robot | lumberjack + robot | pilot + robot | robot + sailor, 2*Giant | Giant + Poseidon | Giant + Zeus | mermaid + Poseidon, beaver + house | beaver + lake | beaver + river | beaver + stream | beaver + tree | beaver + water | river + wall | stream + wall | wall + water, dawn + time | night + sun | sky + sun | sun + time, corpse + philosophy | graveyard + philosophy | grave + philosophy | life + time | philosophy + skeleton, Elixir of Life + human | Fountain of Youth + human | human + immortality | human + Peach of Immortality | human + Philosopher's Stone, angel + evil | Deity + evil | evil + immortality | hell + human, cactus + sand | land + sand | lizard + sand | 2*sand | sand + vulture, dawn + fog | dawn + grass | dawn + plant | dawn + tree | dawn + water | fog + grass | fog + plant | fog + tree | grass + water, alcohol + Deity | beer + Deity | Deity + drunk | Deity + fruit | Deity + wine, human + scuba tank | lake + scuba tank | ocean + scuba tank | scuba tank + sea | scuba tank + swimmer, Demon + desert | Demon + dune | Demon + Magic Lamp | Demon + sand | Demon + sandstorm | Demon + tornado | desert + Monster | desert + Oni | dune + Monster | dune + Oni | human + Magic Lamp | Monster + sandstorm | Oni + sand | Oni + sandstorm, barn + wolf | bone + wolf | campfire + wolf | domestication + wolf | farmer + wolf | farm + wolf | field + wolf, container + dog | container + husky | dog + house | dog + wall | house + husky | husky + wall, animal + farmer | animal + human | animal + science | farmer + science, domestication + Elf | domestication + Monster | Elf + house | Goblin + house | house + Monster, hero + windmill | knight + windmill | legend + windmill | story + windmill, cookie dough + oil | cookie dough + wheel | dough + oil | dough + wheel, flour + puddle | flour + rain | flour + water, airplane + lizard | air + lizard | fire + lizard | legend + lizard | lizard + sky | lizard + story, airplane + robot | helicopter + robot | paper airplane + robot | robot + seaplane, fabric + wood | leather + wood | music + wood, alcohol + human | beer + human | human + wine, carbon dioxide + cold | carbon dioxide + ice, Deity + forest | Deity + orchard | Deity + tree, big + duckling | bird + lake | bird + pond | bird + water | chicken + lake | chicken + pond | chicken + water | duckling + time | lake + owl | lake + pigeon | owl + pond | owl + water | pigeon + pond | pigeon + water, beach + wind | desert + sand | desert + sandstorm | desert + wind | sand + wind, blade + Holy Water | blade + Paladin | good + sword | Holy Water + sword | Paladin + sword | Paladin + tool, container + gunpowder | gunpowder + pipe | gunpowder + wire, continent + motion | earth + energy | earth + motion, 2*ant | 2*bee | 2*bird | 2*butterfly | 2*chameleon | 2*chicken | container + life | 2*crow | 2*dinosaur | 2*dragon | 2*duck | 2*eagle | 2*fish | 2*flying fish | 2*frog | 2*hummingbird | 2*lizard | 2*moth | 2*ostrich | 2*owl | 2*parrot | 2*peacock | 2*penguin | 2*phoenix | 2*pigeon | 2*piranha | 2*pterodactyl | 2*scorpion | 2*seagull | 2*snake | 2*spider | 2*turtle | 2*tyrannosaurus rex | 2*vulture | 2*woodpecker, alarm clock + egg | clock + egg | egg + watch, car + electricity | car + solar cell | car + wind turbine | electricity + wagon | solar cell + wagon | wagon + wind turbine, lightning + metal | lightning + steel | light + solar cell | motion + wind turbine | sandstorm + wind turbine | science + storm | solar cell + star | solar cell + sun | storm + wind turbine | wind + wind turbine, bottle + immortality | bottle + Philosopher's Stone | container + immortality | immortality + liquid, computer mouse + letter | computer + letter | electricity + letter | internet + letter, atmosphere + fire | 2*fire | fire + science | heat + science, lava + pressure | pressure + volcano | time + volcano, fairy tale + sword | lake + sword | legend + sword | monarch + sword | stone + sword | story + sword, electricity + gunpowder | explosion + petroleum | fire + gunpowder | fire + petroleum | gunpowder + lightning | heat + petroleum | lava + petroleum | petroleum + pressure | petroleum + volcano | pressure + volcano, machine + thread | thread + tool | thread + wheel, castle + story | dragon + story | knight + story | monarch + story | story + unicorn, container + love | house + human | 2*human, family + time | family + tree | tree + village, barn + farmer | barn + house | container + farmer | farmer + house | house + tractor, barn + human | field + human | grass + human | human + orchard | human + pitchfork | human + plant | human + plow, goat + human | goat + legend | goat + magic | goat + wizard | human + mountain goat | legend + mountain goat | magic + mountain goat | mountain goat + wizard, field + wall | field + wood | garden + wall | garden + wood | grass + wall | wall + wood, earth + farmer | earth + plow | earth + tool | farmer + land | farmer + soil | land + plow | land + tool | plow + soil | soil + tool, boiler + carbon dioxide | carbon dioxide + fire | carbon dioxide + metal | carbon dioxide + pressure | carbon dioxide + steel, fire extinguisher + human | firetruck + human | fire + human, brick + campfire | campfire + container | campfire + house | campfire + wall | container + wood, city + firefighter | firefighter + house | firefighter + land | firefighter + village | firetruck + house, car + fire | car + fire extinguisher | car + firefighter | fire extinguisher + wagon | firefighter + wagon | fire + wagon, animal + lake | animal + ocean | animal + sea | animal + water | egg + lake | egg + ocean | egg + sea | egg + water, fish + thread | fish + tool | fish + wire | fish + wood | piranha + thread | piranha + tool | piranha + wire | piranha + wood | swordfish + thread | swordfish + tool | swordfish + wire | swordfish + wood, campfire + gun | fire + gun | gun + volcano, human + lamp | lamp + tool | light bulb + tool | light + tool, big + rain | city + river | city + tsunami | house + river | house + tsunami | lake + rain | 2*rain | rain + river | rain + time, rock + wheat | stone + wheat | 2*wheat | wheat + wheel | wheat + windmill, double rainbow! is the best cheats Guide for Little Alchemy 1 and Little Alchemy 2. You can quickly browse and navigate through the possible combinations. Credit to Boldrin from GameFAQs for the info on MHF2 combos provided. Little Alchemy 2 Cheats Sheet Items list of Combos. Great Alchemy. The different formulas are all interlinked. Alcoholic = Man + Alcohol: 10. Discover exciting items accompanied by funny descriptions and lose yourself exploring the huge, new library! 6. alcoholic = man + beer or man + vodka or man + alcohol. With this Alchemy cheats list, you can conquer the game with all the combination solutions in your hand. This guide include the IAP content pack purchase for the mobile version Apple App Store and google Play. Best Cheats Walkthrough Wiki for Little Alchemy. Water and earth mix to produce mud, which you can combine with fire to produce brick. To help you stay organized and find all the possible combo formulas, we have put together an easy to use Alchemic Phone cheat list for you. Combine basic natural elements together to discover more building blocks, create more and more complex objects and bring entire civilizations into existence! + horse | horse + legend | horse + magic | horse + rainbow | horse + story, container + galaxy cluster | container + space | 2*galaxy cluster, heaven + Valkyrie | house + Thor | house + Valkyrie, bat + human | blood + human | human + vampire, bottle + flower | bottle + plant | bottle + rose | container + flower | container + rose | flower + pottery | plant + pottery | pottery + rose, domestication + plant | farmer + field | farmer + forest | farmer + plant | field + plant, acid rain + planet | planet + smog | planet + volcano, bakery + container | bakery + house | container + house | 2*family | 2*house, rainforest + rope | rainforest + thread | rainforest + wire, container + lava | earth + lava | fire + hill | fire + mountain | hill + lava | hill + pressure | lava + mountain | mountain + pressure, Deity + fire | Deity + metal | Deity + steel | Deity + volcano, bird + corpse | bird + desert | chicken + corpse | corpse + duck | corpse + eagle | corpse + hummingbird | corpse + owl | corpse + penguin | corpse + pigeon | desert + duck | desert + eagle | desert + hummingbird | desert + owl | desert + penguin | desert + pigeon, cart + cow | cart + fabric | cart + horse | cart + house | cart + wall, pencil + wizard | sword + wizard | tool + wizard | wizard + wood, gun + puddle | gun + stream | gun + water, flower + lake | flower + pond | flower + puddle | flower + stream, hill + lake | hill + river | lake + mountain | lake + mountain range | mountain range + river | mountain + river, hurricane + lake | hurricane + ocean | hurricane + sea | lake + storm | lake + wind | ocean + storm | ocean + wind | sea + storm | sea + wind, beehive + beekeeper | beehive + blade | beehive + sword | beehive + tool | beehive + wall | bee + beehive, cotton + spider | fabric + spider | net + spider | spider + thread, domestication + grass | farmer + grass | field + grass, metal + motion | motion + steel | motion + stone | motion + tool | river + tool | stream + tool | tool + water, lamp + Monster | light bulb + Monster | light + Monster, air + motion | air + pressure | atmosphere + motion, electrician + windmill | electricity + wind | electricity + windmill | machine + windmill, flour + wind | house + wind | wall + wheel | wheat + wind | wheel + wind, electricity + metal | electricity + rope | electricity + steel | metal + rope | rope + steel, broom + cauldron | broom + human | broom + legend | broom + magic | broom + story | broom + wizard | cauldron + legend | cauldron + story, double rainbow! + lizard | double rainbow! You can collect your makings and make different things! Earth: 5. Air 2. Combinations, Find out how to make combos, and What Elements Make. Great Alchemy (MOD, Unlimited Money) Hello. Little Alchemy. + pottery | double rainbow! Latest. Combinations, Find out how to make combos, and What Elements Make. Little Alchemy 2 Answers, Cheats & Combinations. 5. alcohol = fire + water. Download the game app on iTunes App Store or Google Play Store. You need to be signed in to post a comment! Your combination for Incomplete Factory is incorrect. Arable = Earth + Tool: 16. MG Software. Unblocked Games. Find all the recipes and possible combinations now! Alchemy Classic HD. Beach =Water + Sand Boulder = Rock + Big or Earth Continent = Land + Land or Earth + Land Desert =Sand + Sand Diamond = Pressure + Coal Dune = Sand + Desert Earthquake = Motion + Earth or Continent Eruption = Pressure + Volcano or Lava + Pressure (Final) Flood = Rain + Rain, River, Lake, Big or Time (Final) Share with friends! Little Alchemy 2, the amazing sequel to the Little Alchemy game, released late last month and has since then taken the iOS and Android app store by storm. Alien = Life + Galaxy, Galaxy Cluster, Solar System or Mercury. MG Software. You combine elements in Alchemy Fusion game made by Snowy’s Apps. Alchemy Fusion great game with inspiration from “Zed’s Alchemy”, “Alchemy Classic” and “Doodle God”. + glass | glass + rainbow, airplane + dinosaur | air + dinosaur | bird + dinosaur | dinosaur + eagle | dinosaur + sky | dinosaur + vulture, farmer + vegetable | field + vegetable | jack-o-lantern + plant | jack-o-lantern + vegetable, container + mummy | desert + grave | desert + gravestone | desert + graveyard | desert + hill | desert + mountain | desert + stone, cloud + heat | cloud + pressure | cloud + water, cloud + light | light + prism | light + rain | light + water | prism + sun | rain + sun | sun + water, Deity + double rainbow! Little Alchemy 2 List of All Combinations for All Items Little Alchemy 2 Cheats. Reply ↓ Deanna L Felde on January 17, 2018 at 2:15 am said: What is the promo code ? MG Software. | crystal ball + rainbow | double rainbow! Little Alchemy 2 List of All Combinations for All Items Little Alchemy 2 Cheats. Earth 3. | bird + leaf | bird + rainbow, grass + time | plant + swamp | pressure + swamp | swamp + time, earth + small | rock + small | small + stone, bird + horse | bird + unicorn | horse + sky | sky + unicorn, blade + pencil | blender + pencil | pencil + sword, animal + antarctica | antarctica + bird | bird + cold | bird + ice | bird + snow, doctor + mold | hospital + mold | idea + mold | mold + science, alcohol + flower | alcohol + rose | alcohol + sunflower | flower + steam | flower + water | rose + steam | rose + water | steam + sunflower | sunflower + water, fossil + liquid | fossil + pressure | fossil + time | fossil + water, alchemist + immortality | immortality + rock | immortality + stone, chicken + egg | human + idea | human + story, bird + fire | death + fire | egg + fire | fire + life, beach + sandwich | fabric + sandwich | garden + sandwich | grass + sandwich | lawn + sandwich, bakery + fruit | baker + fruit | cookie dough + fruit | dough + fruit | dough + meat, animal + mud | cow + mud | livestock + mud, bird + city | bird + letter | bird + skyscraper | bird + statue | bird + village, golem + story | life + wood | story + wood, bayonet + sailor | gun + sailor | pirate ship + sailor | sailor + sword, boat + pirate | container + pirate | house + pirate | pirate + sailboat | pirate + steam engine, bread + cheese | cheese + dough | cheese + wheel, 2*continent | continent + ocean | earth + sky | earth + solar system | earth + space, bacteria + ocean | bacteria + sea | bacteria + water | life + ocean | life + sea | life + water, algae + earth | algae + land | big + grass | earth + seed | land + seed | life + soil | rain + soil | seed + soil | seed + water | small + tree, 2*heat | heat + pressure | science + star | science + sun, beaver + bird | beaver + duck | beaver + seagull, earth + metal | earth + steel | earth + wood | field + metal | field + steel | field + tool | field + wood, dust + flower | dust + plant | flower + wind | plant + wind, big + puddle | lake + small | 2*puddle | puddle + water, cold + juice | ice + juice | juice + snow | juice + wood, Deity + ocean | Deity + sea | Deity + water, container + mailman | house + letter | house + mailman | 2*letter | letter + mailman | letter + wall | mailman + wall, 2*air | air + atmosphere | 2*atmosphere | geyser + science | 2*ocean, earth + ocean | earth + sea | lava + ocean | lava + sea | ocean + planet | planet + sea, crystal ball + double rainbow! 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