a sentence with biology

For example in our biology students we tried to find out about enzyme activity in sheep's liver and will be dissecting a frog. You need to have a basic understanding of how things work in biology. They want to biology through X-ray crystallography is true of. That these areas had deep significance for the native races is shown by the results, both in biology and culture. An ecosystem’s carrying capacity for a particular species may be influenced by many factors, such as the ability to regenerate the food, water, atmosphere, or … There are many educational podcasts you can listen to that explain many facets of marine life and biology. Victoria is a good place to study marine biology because we are right on the Pacific coast. Research is conducted on fiber production from cashmere goats and fine wool sheep and on the biology of growth and shedding of fibers. This tool is provided by Computational molecular biology at the US National Institutes of Health. fever She teaches in the biology department at the university here in town. Williams observes (Geological Biology, p. 268) that the evolution of those fundamental characters which mark differences between separate classes, orders, sub-orders, and even families of organisms, took place in relatively short periods of time. A co-ordinate woman's college, the William Smith school for women, opened in 1908, was endowed in 1906 by William Smith of Geneva, who at the same time provided for a Hall of Science and for further instruction in science, especially in biology and psychology. How far such adaptations are produced afresh in each generation, whether or no their effects are transmitted to descendants and so directly modify the stock, to what extent adaptations characteristic of a species or variety have come about by selection of individuals capable, in each generation, of responding favourably, or how far by the selection of individuals fortuitously suitable to the environment, or, how far, possibly by the inheritance of the responses to the environment, are problems of biology not yet definitely solved. In between these extremes you will find groundbreaking activity in many traditional areas for structural biology. The optical properties of sea-water are of immediate importance in biology, as they affect the penetration of sunlight into the depths. Psychology is with Cabanis directly linked on to biology, for sensibility, the fundamental fact, is the highest grade of life and the lowest of intelligence. Definition of Taxonomy. Biology: A coaster can only be as intense as riders can stand, and good roller coaster design will incorporate the limits of human anatomy and physiology to keep the ride safe and comfortable. Current Biology 13 (August 19, 2003): 1414-17. Every science is involved, and theology has come into conflict with metaphysics, logic, astronomy, physics, chemistry, geology, zoology, biology, history and even economics and medicine. That branch of biology which is termed morphology is a commentary upon, and expansion of, the proposition that widely different animals or plants, and widely different parts of animals or plants, are constructed upon the same plan. We now have categories for Dutch writers, Dutch historians, Journalism (linked to Industry and business), Animal Husbandry and Horticulture (linked to agriculture and agriculture was linked to economics and biology). As we arrive at the r 9th century, though yet before the days of Darwin, biology is already beginning to affect the general aspect of thought. Fawcett majored in biology at the University of Texas at Austin but switched to an art major before dropping out. Similarly Karl Hoffmann of Wiirzburg wasted his appreciations of the newer schools of developmental biology in fanciful notions of human diseases as reversions to normal stages of lower animals; scrofula being for him a reversion to the insect, rickets to the mollusc, epilepsy to the oscillaria, and so forth. 11 (June 2000): R416-19. That is why they have conceded large swaths of biology to Darwinism. In cnidarians, the developmental biologyof some aspects of clonality have been studied. 317. After completing his system (1896) Spencer continued to revise it, and brought out new editions of the Biology (1898-1899) and First Principles (1900). We grew bacteria in a watery medium in our biology class. In order to give an adequate account of its subject-matter, psychology may require higher or more complex categories than are employed in the other sciences, just as biology, for example, cannot work with mechanical categories alone, but introduces the conception of development or growth. In humans, fertilization is more likely to occur at certain times of the month. a term used in biology, &c., for subjects having only one exponent, for example a genus containing only one species. It is preferred that individuals have a firm science background that includes biology, anatomy and physiology, microbiology and courses in human growth and development. Biology Sam was n't always truthful about her interest in biology. 4 (August 2004): 295-305. From the earliest times the shepherd, the farmer, the horticulturist, and the " fancier " had for practical purposes made themselves acquainted with a number of biological laws, and successfully applied them without exciting more than an occasional notice from the academic students of biology. Aaron's knowledge on biology has evolved from knowing a few basic facts to having a deep understanding of the subject. broad-based introduction to the varied fields of study which relate to Human Biology. By PLoS Biology The genetic code of the gray, short-tailed opossum reveals insights into the evolution of the major histocompatibility complex. They may reunite, but the cohesion can never be perfect. 4) Biology is sometimes quite hard to understand. 2. How to use cell biology in a sentence. model organisms are beloved by researchers investigating developmental biology - the transformation of an organism from a fertilized egg into an adult. He was an apprentice draper, teacher and biology student before he became a professional journalist and writer. Miss Natasha Wind Natasha is an experienced research technician whose work focuses on cell biology. 146 in The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, edited by Mark H. Parents are on a journey of discovery with each child whose temperament, biology, and sleep habits result in a unique sleep-wake pattern. Current Biology 10, no. Biology definition is - a branch of knowledge that deals with living organisms and vital processes. ZOOLOGY (from Gr.? utiliseudents are prepared for a career where chemistry and biology are utilized in conjunction with each other. horticulture trainer, plumbing lecturer, advanced craft / nvq 3 painter & decorator to a part time lecturer in biology. In correspondence with these four aspects of its subject, biology is logically divisible into four chief subdivisions - I. But the modern conception of society or the state owes more to biology than philosophy, and actual research has destroyed more frequently than it has justified the assumptions of the older philosophical school. biology through x-ray crystallography an electroscope is. Dr. Christophe Lacomme, of SCRI, whose interests include the molecular and cell biology of cereal pathogens. These leaders in the field understand the unique biology and physiology of cats based on experience and scientific research. Applicants should have a strong record of productivity and a background of research excellence in molecular biology, cell biology or cellular biophysics. We are studying the structural biology of members of the serpin family of serine proteinase inhibitors using X-ray crystallography. Here are some examples. Species ranges have shifted towards the pole and upward i elevation2. What cohesion of all the parts! Most of us know how babies are made, but do we really understand the biology and miracles involved in becoming pregnant? Experience in cell biology and/or biochemistry would be great. 12, chap. There would probably have been no controversy at all on this subject but for the fact that economics was elaborated into systematic form, and made the basis of practical measures of the greatest importance, long before the remarkable development in the 19th century of historical research, experimental science and biology. Segregating sister genomes: the molecular biology of chromosome separation. His research has been in immunology,cell biology,and developmental neurobiology. cell biology, ecology, 4-year sandwich courses) is outlined at a modular level. Browsing can be done by taxonomic hierarchy, concepts hierarchy, by curriculum, or by biology course. click … 271. A consideration of the biology of the sorus gives an insight into the advantages obtained by the one type over the preceding, as regards protection, spore production and the dispersal of the spores, and thus indicates the way in which natural selection may have acted. Each species of green plant may form a mycorhiza with two or three different Fungi, and a single species of Fungus may enter into symbiosis with several green plants. 138. Sexual organs are reproductive organs, part of what any biology textbook will tell you is the reproductive organs, part of what any biology textbook will tell you is the reproductive system. Division of Basic Sciences and Engineering offers study concentrations in areas like biology and engineering. Using a microscope in biology class, I was able to view the cells of a plant. Middle school students are generally exposed to a number of different science labs, including chemistry, biology, physical science, and earth science. Biometeorology is a scientific branch, which can be seen as the link between meteorology. She was well on course to gain the grades in chemistry, geology, Some of the examples he discusses may remind us of the metaphorical appropriation of, Circadian entrainment is one of the areas of, Activity at the intersection of phylogenetic systematics and developmental, Our acarologists use the tools of molecular, He joined CSIRO as an acarologist in 1981, and has pursued a variety of projects in the systematics and, We will focus our future research aboard the station on the long-term effects of space travel on human, In the current treatment, I briefly review how the syntheses of multiple fields have provided insight into several problems in, It is Aristotle's idea of entelechy, applied not to. Its existence as a science could never have been recognized so long as the subjects of physics, chemistry and biology, in the widest acceptation of the term, remained unevolved. stem Cell biology Several of our team leaders have interests focussing on stem cell biology, both in health and in disease. Would you want to be treated by a doctor who cheated her way through biology or have your children taught by a teacher who bought his/her senior thesis? multidisciplinary research institute focused on the molecular, cellular and developmental biology of stem cells. Richter, Zur Darwinischen Lehre (1865); Herbert Spencer, Principles of Biology; Max Verworm, General Physiology (English trans. It differs from an ecosystem, which consists of the biological community together … Bioengineering, also referred to as biotechnological engineering or biological engineering, involves the application of engineering principles in the fields of healthcare and biology. RESEARCH GROUPS Palaeobiology Research Group We welcome applications from students with backgrounds in geology, zoology, biology, and occasionally physics and/or biomathematics. biology textbooks are still being written without ever mentioning the role of water. To help you make the best choice for your cat, you can begin by studying the unique biology of felines and how that plays a role in determining the best food. Organisms are adapted to their environments in a variety of ways, such as in their structure, physiology, and genetics. After graduating high school, Pinsky attended Amherst College in Massachusetts majoring in biology. Example sentence - Her favorite subject in school is biology. Source null; As in "taxonomy", the traditional system of taxation or ; The periodic table lists elements in order of increasing atomic number. The report outlines key features of stem cell biology and their potential therapeutic use. All Science Fair Projects - This site breaks down projects by area of interest, such as biology, physics, engineering and earth science. Bioengineering degree programs combine coursework in the fields of biology and engineering to give students a solid education in the principles and techniques of this discipline. Scientific effort received an impetus from the establishment of an independent Czech university at Prague in 1881, and from that time there is hardly a branch of science in which workers of profound and creative talent did not arise (in physics Zenger, in biology Vejdovsky), while a whole series of eminent names as well in the technical and mathematical as in the historical and philological (e.g. Examples of cohesion in a sentence: 1. Reproductive biology of Sabine 's Gull in the Canadian Arctic. In biology conception is the coalescence of the male and female generative elements, producing pregnancy. biology. A group of free tools for computational molecular biology with Python. The existence of primitive thought habits makes a great deal of sense in terms of evolutionary biology. Dictionary Thesaurus Examples The game starts off like some hip-hop video as you throw a party to bring all the street racers to celebrate a race promoter 's current event: a series of races through Los Angeles to determine who … VOUCHER (11 days ago) FREE Example sentences with the word promoter. Virology used in a sentence. Topics cover physics, chemistry and biology, including optical illusions and the psychology of science. The institute for Stem Cell Research The Institute for Stem Cell Research is an interdisciplinary research institute focussed on stem cell biology. Biology: Charlock generally flowers from May to July but flowering may begin as early as April in plants that germinated the previous autumn. In one respect, biology works against people. They offer help in Math, Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, Economics, Finance, Accounting, Physics, Programming, Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology. When I was in high school, we dissected a pig fetus in biology class. eviscerate claims that scientists are abandoning evolutionary biology. symbiosis. These species are widely used model organisms in developmental biology. Because this is a unique type of assignment writing , Academic Sciences provides students with comprehensive ‘ how to guides ’ to help students study how to write a biology essay. Mathematical Biology has thus developed into an active, varied and inherently interdisciplinary field of research. How otherwise, we wonder, could one man writing alone and with so few predecessors compose the first systematic treatises on the psychology of the mental powers and on the logic of reasoning, the first natural history of animals, and the first civil history of one hundred and fifty-eight constitutions, in addition to authoritative treatises on metaphysics, biology, ethics, politics, rhetoric and poetry; in all penetrating to the very essence of the subject, and, what is most wonderful, describing more facts than any other man has ever done on so many subjects ? Example Sentences . interdisciplinary research institute focussed on stem cell biology. The Biology of Autistic Syndromes by Christopher Gillberg and Mary Coleman: The book describes autism and other pervasive developmental disorders. Even one second of tardiness to the biology lab would earn one a stern rebuke. 2 (2004): 201-6. It covers identification, lifecycle and biology, the damage mistletoe causes to trees, and its management. 92. This was especially so in the fields of geology, The team has also carried out basic studies in parasite, We would like to thank Michael L. May for many helpful discussions of damselfly, Over my cornflakes this morning my 10-year-old daughter Sacha was telling me about her, Soil microbiology may lie beyond the black stump separating chemistry from its cousin, After fascinating physicists for over a decade, fluorescent semiconductor nanocrystals are finally fulfilling their promise in the. In 1908 ten departments had been organized: Botanical Research, with a "desert laboratory" (1903) at Tucson, Arizona; Economics and Sociology (1904); Experimental Evolution, with a station (1904) at Cold Spring Harbor, New York (see Huntington, N.Y.); Geophysical Research, with a laboratory (1906-1907) at Washington - investigations have been carried on by the U.S. Geological Survey and at McGill University, Toronto; Historical Research (1903); Marine Biology, with a laboratory (1904) at Tortugas, Florida; Meridian Astrometry (1906; work is carried on especially at Dudley Observatory, Albany, New York); Research in Nutrition, with a laboratory (1906) at Boston, Massachusetts - investigations (since 1904) had been carried on at Yale and Wesleyan universities; Solar Physics, with observatory (1905) on Mount Wilson, California, and workshops at Pasadena, California, and Terrestrial Magnetism (1903; headquarters in Washington); the institution had assisted Luther Burbank in his horticultural experiments since 1905, and had published the Index Medicus since 1903; and it makes occasional grants for minor research and tentative investigations. Sentences Menu. In 1872 a chair of engineering and applied mathematics and one of biology were established with an endowment of $40,000, the gift of Dr Francis J. During the high school years, it's important to get outstanding grades and take as many biology and chemistry courses as you possibly can in preparation for the next four years you'll spend earning a Bachelor's Degree (BA) in college. Punctuated equilibrium is a term that refers to the evolutionary changes of plants and animals in a relatively static way. Zero people on the team or among the advisors have any experience doing research in molecular biology or virology. Prerequisites include courses in communication, psychology, biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. Students take courses in chemistry, biology, nutrition, disease and medications as well as specialized nursing classes and a structured clinical course. You probably learned the basics of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in your high school biology class. Even though temperament is thought to be rooted in biology, different children in the same family may have very different temperaments. In 1906 he gave an account of the early stages of development of the male and female organs and, among other interesting statements in regard to the general biology of Welwitschia, he expressed the opinion that, as Hooker suspected, the ovules are pollinated by insect-agency. Among the high achievers was Hannah, who made the grade in physics, A big lesson of the last few decades of cell, However, a more sophisticated understanding of the, These have been neglected in studies on neuropteran anatomy, and many aspects of their, She is currently taking a year off from Sofia University, where she studied, One of the most fundamental problems in modern evolutionary, Dover had added language about intelligent design to its, There were a large number of A's in each of the three science subjects and everyone who sat the, As a result, N. vectensis is widely used to study developmental, This talk will begin by briefly introducing the, In addition, each center focuses on specific research areas such as vascular and cancer, He took a degree in microbiology and then a PhD in aquatic, Indeed they are, and contemporary human embryology and developmental, Xola used to drag me to a secluded spot, with a, Such experiences include teaching assistantships in botany or, I thought maybe irreducible complexity was a problem that, Humboldt, primarily a geographer, documented the, The characterization of the protein folding process represents one of the major challenges in molecular, The above schematic principle functions as a directive principle within evolutionary, This work now involves electron microscopy and comparative molecular, Once they meet they become a distinct cell cluster unlike any other in human, In space it is possible to identify and isolate some unique characteristics of human physiology and, Research modalities such as immunohistochemistry, tissue culture, electrophysiology, and molecular, Modulating gene expression and exploring gene function are major aims in molecular, Microfluidic devices utilizing electro-osmotic flow through micro-channels have been developing rapidly and have been widely applied in, Bacteriophages have served as an historical centerpiece in the development of molecular, Ogler wants to study psychology next year and said her best subjects, other than history, were home economics and, If the laws of electromagnetism and nuclear physics were only slightly different, chemistry and, The program she directs is to study the diversity and, Our difficulty in combating this behaviour may arise because we are struggling against nature and basic human, The theory of evolution by natural selection is the unifying theory of, Involves extensive field experiences including, It's true that subjects like organic chemistry and molecular, The combination of Darwinism and molecular, Genomics is an accelerating and complex step in the longer history of molecular, The intervening years had seen advances in the study of pure, Answers to this question come mainly from ecology, natural history and of course evolutionary, I make this prediction based on what we know about, Biocomputing is an interdisciplinary research area which links, Of course we need to be respectful of the, Researchers have turned to the science of molecular, I have taken many classes dealing with physiology and, In many cases, these mutants are characterized with regard to phenotype, physiology and molecular, Our inability to capture phenomena in their entirety should be regarded as the indeterminacy principle of, During the past two decades, we have witnessed exponential growth in the fields of genetics and molecular, With a thermostat, a light-bulb, and a padded cardboard box, I constructed an incubator for the cell cultures in my, At this level of inquiry, psychology, neuroscience, and molecular, First, there is no inconsistency between apparently selfless acts and the fact of our, The first concerns the life history and general, She earned a doctoral degree in immunology and natural killer cell, Many social scientists began to insist that culture, not, Among these are astronomy, climatology, ecology, evolutionary, He scanned the picture of a monkey from an antique, Second, our work with lacertids helped make us both keenly aware of the importance of phylogeny and phylogenetic control in comparative, The mechanism of adaptation remains a fundamental unsolved problem in evolutionary, Identifying the structure of DNA triggered a revolution in, The center's research is aimed at the interface of nanotechnology and, The university's laboratory of clinical immunology and molecular. 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